Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chapter Two 163

Angevon's Comments:
I always thought it was funny that priests can attack monsters with the holy book.


  1. In my brother's private server, I did a little test. I was able to make an Acolyte at level 2, by killing lots of Pupa's, and by having the guild tax set to 99% (I got 1 base EXP per pupa, 80 Job EXP per Pupa, the rates were 20/20.)

    I did this as well to job level up as an acolyte to get heal to level 10. But I only had 1 intelligence. So I had level 10 heal, but 1 intelligence (I was also a baby character). So when someone asked for a heal and I was more then willing to heal him...




    I got called a noob. :<

  2. @Vincent... LOL that is awesome!!! 0 heal? LOL

    on one of my priests I had the elemental books, it was pretty impressive being able to 1-shot porings with my FS priest ;)
