Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chapter Two 036

Angevon's Comments:
It may not be polite to eavesdrop, but it's a tried and true plot device.

I don't -really- talk to my pets... mostly yell at them when they're in the way. I could be lying though. I never noticed. But, I do talk to myself when on the computer, and yell at monsters/people as I play MMOs and lurk on forums. It's not nice to hear, let me tell you.


  1. I yelled at my pencil once... and the printer.

    1. Funny enough i yelled at my printer today because it has an automatic turn off feature when not used for a while and makes a beeping sound.... i got it only a few weeks back so i wasn't used to it and yelled at the sound out of reflex from playing Dark Souls and yelling at Ambush-Mobs and Invaders

  2. how how exactly does he expect his peco to respond back with its mouth strapped with reins like that? xD
