Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter Two 116

Angevon's Comments:
I can't count the number of times I've gone to that abbey escorting would-be-acolytes to Father Rubalkabara. I even remember his crazy name.


  1. When I had to get up for school before Summer, I was getting up at 4:50 A.M. >_>;

  2. Lol I can't even sleep from all the excitement in going to school before summer. Yes, When I'm too excited, I can't sleep. Unless I stare at the window for 10 Minutes or Play Metal Slug on my PSP and finish maybe 2 Games (Yes, Metal Slug get's me bored and sleepy.). Then i go like "Baaaahhh..... I'm sleepy... Must... Sleep..........ZzZzZzZz"

  3. when i went there...theres always random dead branch summon..i got killed by the half man half dragon thingy...dozens of time...be4 i reached my destination...

  4. In bRO the name of the father is quite simple just "Simão" and the other two are "Bartolomeu" and "Matilda". I scout novices to the fathers a lot of times to.
