Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter Two 072

Angevon's Comments:
Yeah, that assassin is Gaston from the Prologue. If you don't remember, he comes in here.

Velger was one of my default characters the first time I played though Final Fantasy Tactics. I made him a summoner, which is why he has a Snow Horn.


  1. Lunatics aren't sexy to me. Alices are!!

    1. I don't know how comfortable i am with calling either Bunnies and/or Robots 'Sexy'.

      Then again i've developed a liking to weird things such as a murderous little Demon-Girl (Piamette), a Chinese Vampire Girl (Munak) as well as.....
      Ah who am i kidding, Alice and Aliza are two of my favourites after Piamette and Munak.... also like Alicel never got too found of Aliot tho
